Develop strategies for your business in key markets in line with your expertise
Set out business objectives defining your goals, strategies, marketing & sales plans
ERP Selection and implementation. Analysis of key data allowing informed and proactive decision-making
Identify and implement LEAN measures to ensure optimal use of resources
How we can help you…
We can offer expertise supporting the Board, working Directors and Senior Management in a wide range of areas including ERP Selection and Implementation, Management Information, Business Systems Analysis, Lean Process review, ISO compliance
and Data Analytics.
We can help to identify and minimise waste in your business created by overly complicated processes, over-production, duplication, legacy issues without the need to compromise controls.
We will help identify areas of your business that require development and highlight training needs resulting from a resource audit ensuring that the business operates as lean as possible utilising suitable IT systems.
We will develop your Management Information to ensure that it is both timely, accurate and importantly relevant to your business objectives. KPIs will be crystallised to give the senior team visibility against targets.
Build complex but simple to use financial models to facilitate scenario analysis and improve forecasting producing clearer reports for non-financial staff.
Management Information
Ensure you have accurate and timely MI to allow proactive decision-making
Systems review
Review ERP / Accounting systems, help with Vendor selection and negotiation
business planning
Help Directors and Senior leaders with Company-wide business planning for growth or an exit strategy
CFO support
Providing your business with a part-time or interim solution until a permanent CFO is in place

Client Testimonials
Dont’t take our word for it – here’s what our clients say:
“Partnering with Abacus Ideas has been transformational for our business. We now have insights into the business which we did not think were possible. In a short space of time these have already steered key decisions and continues to benefit us.”

Group Financial Controller
United Glass Group Ltd
“Thank you for all the help and advice over the last 8 years, I probably wouldn’t be where I am today without that help. Its been a pleasure working with you.”

Ian Ellison
Chemex Manchester
“Provided expertise and critical advice when selecting an ERP solution and guided us with respect to resource requirements.”